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Welcome to WithWine Docs

Welcome to the WithWine Technical Documentation Portal. This is your go-to source for information and support on using and maintaining the WithWine platform. The goal of this portal is to provide you with comprehensive guides and resources to help you get started and succeed with our services. We want to ensure you are getting the most out of our products and services so we want to make the process of setting up and managing your software as easy as possible.

We are always looking for ways to improve.

If you have any questions or comments, you are unable to find information on a particular topic, or you find any of the information provided in this portal incorrect or out dated, please reach out to your WithWine Account Manager.

What you'll find here

  1. Comprehensive guides to help you get up and running quicky and as hassle free as possible
  2. In depth technical documentation for developers who are implementing or integrating our software

Getting Started Guides

If you are new to the WithWine platform, we recommend you start with our Getting Started Guides, here you will find a guide for every major part of our platform to help you familiarise yourself with the software and service we provide.

Installation guides

For some of our services you may be required to install software on your website or devices. We have a number of Installation Guides to help you with this process, including comprehensive guides for installing our software on your WordPress website.

Getting support

While every effort is made to provide an exhaustive set of guides and resources to give you every chance of succeeding with our services, sometimes you may need a little extra help. If you are having trouble with any of our services, please do not hesitate to contact us at [TBC]. We will do our best to help you resolve any issues you may be having as quickly as possible.