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Authorization: UI Elements

Using session data in pages

Server Side data fetching

It's important to note that the WithWine SDK is designed to be used in a server side context, this means that you can't use the SDK in the browser to fetch data from the WithWine API. If you need to fetch data from the WithWine API in the browser you will need to create the appropriate API routes to do so. See below for an example of this.

At some point you will want to access user data from the WithWine API in your pages, you can implement the withWineSessionMiddleware middleware in an API route, then you can access user data when fetching from the WithWine API by supplying the appropriate headers in your fetch. To make this as simple as possible we've included a withWineFetchHeaders method that will do this for you in a secure manner. You can spread the result of this method onto the headers object that you pass into your fetch.

import { WITHWINE_SETTINGS, withWineFetchHeaders } from '@withwine/sdk';
import { withWineSessionMiddleware } from '@withwine/sdk/nuxt';

* Example of Nuxt defineEventHandler using the `withWineSessionMiddleware`
* middleware. The fetch in this method uses the WithWine SDK
* `withWineFetchHeaders` method to get the headers required to make requests to
* the WithWine API.
export default defineEventHandler(async (event) => {
const wwEvent = await withWineSessionMiddleware(event);
const { req } = wwEvent.node;
const { apiBaseUrl } = WITHWINE_SETTINGS;
const response = await fetch(`${apiBaseUrl}api/wine/product?id=${event?.context?.params?.id}`, {
headers: {
return await response.json();

Considering the above API route is now set up you can create a Product page in the pages directory and using the useFetch composable, fetch the product data from the WithWine API, the fecth will include any user data in the request. The below example assumes that you have a product page like the following:

<script setup lang="ts">
const route = useRoute();
const { data } = await useFetch(`/api/withwine/product/${}`);
const product = data.value;

<h1>Product API Request test page</h1>
<pre v-if="product">{{ product }}</pre>
<pre v-if="!product">No product Loaded...</pre>

Accessing user data with the useUser composable

The WithWine SDK exposes a useUser composable that can be added to the client side code where you wish to access the state of the user, i.e. see if the user is logged in, get the user name etc.. This composable calls the /api/withwine/user API route.

Under the hood the useUser composable uses Nuxt's useFetch composable but you must pass this into the useUser composable when you call it. The useUser composable returns a user object.

<script setup lang="ts">
import { useUser } from '@withwine/sdk/nuxt-client';
import type { User } from '@withwine/sdk/types';
const { data } = await useAsyncData('user', async () => await useUser({ useFetch }));
const user: User | null = data.value;

<li v-if="!user?.isLoggedIn"><a href="/api/withwine/login">Login</a></li>
<li v-if="!user?.isLoggedIn"><a href="/api/withwine/register">Register</a></li>
<li v-if="user?.isLoggedIn"><a href="/api/withwine/logout">logout {{ }}</a></li>


The above samples show both direct API route access and redirect based links as dicussed in in the previous section on redirects,t he only notable difference is the omition of the /api path in the href attributes.